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Restoration - 8 week Evolutionary initiation.

  • Byron Bay Australia (map)

Through awareness and refinement of the minds processes, alongside embodiment of one’s unique life expression, inner restoration takes place and harmonic order is restored.

Restoration of the internal architecture allows source energy to flow through our being unhindered, guiding us to live as embodiments of heaven on earth.

Fuelled from within, our foundations begin to realign with the original design and intention of humanity and the natural Lore of Earth. We begin to remember what it is to live through our innate state of being.

With compassion and grace we step forward as heirs of the earth, embodied and whole.

Creators, dreamers and alchemists of our era.

Welcome to your initiation

Restoration - 8 week initiation.

Together, through Restoration we will cultivate liberated movement through your internal light structures and reclaim the embodiment of your highest potential.

No longer requiring external fulfilment we restore and expand the natural flow of light to be sustained from within. It is from this space our creativity overflows into all aspects of life and your highest potential becomes the natural expression.

During your 8 week initiation with assistance of the natural elements, we will cultivate embodied practices that will assist you through all seasons of life. You will return home to the centre of your being and remember the core essence of your innate design in this embodiment of life.

Journeying over 8 weeks, employing an array of techniques such as grounding, shielding, elemental communication, restoration of harmonic frequencies, balancing the timeline through rewriting ‘stories’, expanding your window of tolerance and cultivating communication with the source of creation.

Why 8 weeks?

Most of the longest living trees grow slowly, they take their time first nourishing their roots before reaching upward and outward. As best to support and nourish your growth the journey is offered over 8 Weeks with an addition integration support week.

12 October

In Bloom - Sweetness of Spring